Music Theory Resources

Music Theory Resources

In addition to our lessons and practice for music theory, rhythm, and ear training, uTheory is pleased to share these free resources for your students and classes.

Music Fundamentals

Handouts for note reading, keys, intervals, and other music fundamentals.

Handout showing lines and spaces on the treble, bass, alto and tenor clefs.

Printable lines and spaces pdf. Includes treble, bass, alto and tenor clefs.

Handout showing the piano keyboard and grand staff with notes labeled.

Printable grand staff and piano keyboard pdf, with notes labeled from C2 - C6

Handout showing rules for identifying key signatures, and all key signatures in treble and bass clef.

Rules for identifying key signatures, and all key signatures in treble and bass clef.

Handout showing the circle of fifths, with names for the major and minor keys, the number of accidentals in each key, and the keys themselves written on a grand staff.

Printable Circle of Fifths, with both Major and minor keys, the order of sharps and flats, and key signatures drawn on the grand staff.

Handout showing the piano keyboard and grand staff with notes labeled.

Kodaly/Curwen solfege hand signs for the Major scale.

Handout showing the piano keyboard and grand staff with notes labeled.

Kodaly/Curwen solfege hand signs for the chromatic scale.

Handout showing intervals from a unison to an octave with an example, their half steps, and their inversions listed.

Intervals from a unison to an octave with examples, half steps, inversions.

Handout showing construction of triads, how to alter a triad to change its quality, and examples of triads of different qualities.

How to build triads and alter their qualities.

Handout showing how to invert a triad, with examples of C Major in all of its inversions in open and close spacings.

How to invert triads, with examples and explanations of the root vs. the bass of a chord.


Handouts for teaching rhythm reading and counting.

Handout showing the rhythmic values from whole to thirty-second notes labeled with a beamed and not beamed version, then arranged in a grid showing division of each into the next lower rhythmic value.

The rhythm tree for notes in simple times, from whole to 32nd notes.

Handout showing the rest values from whole to thirty-second and labeled, then arranged in a grid showing division of each into the next lower rhythmic value.

The rest rhythm tree for simple times, from whole to 32nd notes.

Handout showing the 1e&a counting system for rhythms in simple and compound time.

The 1-e-&-a (Eastman) counting system for simple and compound time.

Handout showing the Eastman counting system for rhythms in simple and compound time.

The 1-ti-te-ta (Eastman) counting system for simple and compound time.

Handout showing the Takadimi counting system for rhythms in simple and compound time.

The Takadimi counting system for simple and compound time.

Handout showing the Gordon counting system for rhythms in simple and compound time.

The Gordon Rhythmic Solfege counting system for simple and compound time.

Handout showing the counts for quarter, half, dotted half and whole notes and rests, along with rhythmic examples for practice reading and counting.

Counting quarters, halves, wholes and dotted halves in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Handout showing the counts for eighth and dotted quarter notes and rests, along with rhythmic examples for practice reading and counting.

Counting eighth and dotted quarter notes and rests in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Handout showing counting for ties in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Counting notes with ties in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Handout showing counting for syncopated rhythms in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Counting rhythms with eighth note syncopation in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Handout showing counting for basic sixteenth note patterns in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Counting rhythms with basic sixteenth note patterns in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.

Staff Paper for Music Theory Note Taking

Designed for the music theory classroom, our printable manuscript/staff paper includes space to take notes and a piano keyboard. It's also great for use in private music lessons!

Staff paper with a piano on the top, and space to the right for note taking.

Staff paper with a piano on the top, and space to the right for note taking.

Staff paper with a piano on the bottom, and space to the right for note taking.

Staff paper with a piano on the bottom, and space to the right for note taking.

Staff paper with space for notes on top and a piano on the bottom.

Staff paper with space for notes on top and a piano on the bottom.

Staff paper with a space for notes in the middle, and a piano on bottom.

Staff paper with a space for notes in the middle, and a piano on bottom.

Staff paper with a piano in the middle, and space for notes below.

Staff paper with a piano in the middle, and space for notes below.

Staff paper with eight large staves, good for young or beginner students.

Staff paper with eight large staves, good for young or beginner students.

Staff paper with ten regularly-sized staves.

Staff paper with ten regularly-sized staves.

Online Resources

Image of the character map for the solfege hand sign font.

Downloadable Kodaly/Curwen solfege hand sign font for creating your own materials.

uTheory's Meme Generator, showing the text 'May the 4th Be With You' and the Curwen hand signs: Sol Sol Sol Do upper Sol Fa Mi Re upper Do Sol, Fa Mi Re upper Do Sol, Fa Mi Fa Re

Send a solfege meme to a friend, or use it to make creative assignments for students!

An image of a video lesson on uTheory showing a speaker in front of a piano, which has the first six notes of a D Major scale highlighted and labeled. To the left of the video is a table of contents for the lesson, to the top the main navigation menu for uTheory.

Interactive lessons in music theory, rhythm and ear training.

An image of a practice exercise in uTheory, in which the text 'Draw the Roman Numeral D Maj: ii7' appears, and a user has written E and B in the bass clef, and G and D in the treble clef.

Practice exercises for clefs, scales, intervals, triads, roman numerals, rhythm, ear training, and more.

An image of a piano keyboard with the notes of an F Major chord highlighted. Above, the text, 'Select a tuning system' with the options of equal temperament, just intonation (manual), just intonation (autmatic) -- which is selected, and pythagorean tuning (manual).

Experience chords in different temperaments with this just-intonation keyboard.

A video-game-like image of a fish swimming between two logs. A comic sans, bright yellow text reads, 'Pitchy Fish! Score: 10. High Score: 0.

Sing higher and lower to help the fish dodge the obstacles!

The Solfege Sally game: A black circle with the words Solfege Sally in the middle, surrounded by colorful buttons labeled Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do.

Play back the tune you hear in solfege. Each time you get it right, one more note is added!

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